Monday, May 4, 2009

Homestead Harmonizers

This is what Angie has to look forward to in the coming years...

...the embedding was disabled by request.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I didn't like March Anyway

Well. St. Patty's Day came and went. I sang karaoke and slept on my fiance's brother's ex-girlfriend's couch.

Our team qualified for nationals in Miami, which actually managed to upset the parents on the team because there's a ten player minimum on the teams that are going to nationals, and there are only 9 players currently on our team (meaning we have to add another player and they just don't want anyone else on the team!).

We had our first wedding showers...I got a card table and chairs, and a Steelers blanket. Awesome. By the way, if you're reading this and HAVEN'T got your tux measurements yet, do it today. They're sweet.

What else happened in March? Oh yeah, Max and Shannon let me spend the night at their dog-sitter's place with them and I was akwakened by a stranger. That's not a good feeling!

All in all, it wasn't a bad month. Good thing it's April now. I love this month. I'm going to kick it's butt.

Here's some stuff that reminds me of April...

Nice shot! Max shot that?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Humpday Awesome

Demetri Martin is Awesome. His show premiers tonight

How do YOU save money on food?

Anybody have any ideas on how to save money on food? We just boiled 2 gallons of spaghetti. That should last us at least a couple of weeks.

I just googled "save money on food + youtube" and came up with this.

I'm gonna be on Court 27 at 9:00 am on Saturday. I'm prepared to see some good volleyball.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So, Angie and I were driving back from Christmas in St. Paul on Hwy 92. We were moving at a pretty good clip and then some stupid raccoon decides he would like to use the highway as a sidewalk. I exploded the raccoon. The raccoon, I named him 'Ray', gave us a big dent on our front bumper. I went to get an estimate today and the guy did everything he needed to. He says to me, "It's gonna be about 1200 dollars." I says to him I says, "I don't think so. I got a five hundred dollar deductible! Why don't you add a couple thousand to that. I don't care. Put some friggin dubbs, give it a lift, and some flames down the side." Thanks Ray. Merry Christmas!

I named him Ray because that's what's gonna happen to Ray Lewis this're gonna get exploded.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008